Written State Complaints

I have been receiving a lot of mask issues but I just got a new one that has my thought process jumping all over the place- parents are claiming that the other kids in the class wearing a mask are violating their child’s FAPE. It has to do with a claim o

I have been receiving a lot of mask issues but I just got a new one that has my thought process jumping all over the place. Parents are claiming that the other kids in the class wearing a mask are violating their child’s FAPE. It has to do with a claim of the student needing to see people’s faces (e.g., lip reading) for receptive language/ communication. Has anyone seen anything like this yet?

Under 34 CFR § 300.502(e), if an independent educational evaluation is at public expense, the criteria under which the evaluation is obtained, including the location of the evaluation and the qualifications of the examiner, must be the same as the criteri

Under 34 CFR § 300.502(e), if an independent educational evaluation is at public expense, the criteria under which the evaluation is obtained, including the location of the evaluation and the qualifications of the examiner, must be the same as the criteria that the public agency uses when it initiates an evaluation, to the extent those criteria are consistent with the parent's right to an independent educational evaluation. Except for the criteria identified immediately above, a public agency may not impose conditions or timelines related to obtaining an independent educational evaluation.

How are you deciding the issue of whether an IEP has been implemented when regularly scheduled services on the IEP were not provided due to 1) school holiday and 2) school activities (e.g. a school assembly)? What do you consider “regularly scheduled” (on

How are you deciding the issue of whether an IEP has been implemented when regularly scheduled services on the IEP were not provided due to 1) school holiday and 2) school activities (e.g. a school assembly)? What do you consider “regularly scheduled” (one a week versus 4 X month)? How do you determine comp ed (per se versus materiality)? What are you citing as a basis for your decisions (Balkman, Clarke, etc.)?
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