For Districts

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Frequently asked questions to help direct districts to CADRE’s most relevant resources to prevent and resolve conflicts as early as possible.

3 people talking at a meeting

Provides suggestions on how educators and service providers can effectively collaborate with parents, including specific recommendations for IEP meetings.

Teacher helping young girl in class

Five interactive self-directed courses that provide families and educators with strategies for working together and through conflict.

educator talking with student

Two videos displaying unproductive and productive communication between a school administrator and a parent. A study guide is also included.

woman sitting at computer listening to webinar

An archived collection of video conferencing presentations covering a wide range of topics related to dispute resolution. The following webinars may be of particular interest to districts:

The Transformative Power of Engaging Parents as Partners

Community-Led Systems Change in a Public School District through Parent Participatory Evaluation


This pamphlet describes, from an administrator’s perspective, the benefits of IEP facilitation.

Mother and daughter meeting with an educator

This pamphlet describes, from an administrator’s perspective, the benefits of participating in mediation as a means to solve special education disputes between parents and educators.


CADRE has outlined some key considerations for designing local level capacity building supports to prevent and resolve special education disputes as early as possible.

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CADRE’s Continuum of Dispute Resolution Practices features several promising prevention and early dispute resolution practices districts or regional support systems have implemented.

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CADRE’s Continuum of Dispute Resolution Practices features several promising prevention and early dispute resolution practices districts or regional support systems have implemented.

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CADRE’s System Improvement suite of resources provides assessment and planning tools, indicators, key considerations for implementation of an effective dispute resolution system, examples, and more.