Cultural and Linguistic Diversity & Accessibility

Indicator: Information is accessible to all stakeholders, including individuals from underserved communities, and written in the languages of the families served.

Efforts are made to understand the extent of the diverse cultural and linguistic needs among stakeholders. Dispute resolution information and processes are easy to access. Materials are available in accessible formats and written in the languages of the intended audience. Materials are easy to understand, written at an appropriate grade-level, and void of educational jargon. Considerations are given to facilitate access by diverse and underserved communities.

Examples: screen-reader accessible formats, alternate formats (Braille), languages other than English, resources reflecting diverse communities, parent-friendly language

Critical Questions for Consideration

  • What process is used to ensure that materials are easy to understand and 508 accessible?
  • What materials need to be translated into other languages?
  • How are diverse communities accessing information?
