Diversity & Inclusion

Indicator: Efforts are made to understand the interests and experiences of individuals from diverse and underserved communities and how they are impacted by the system.

Program personnel recognize that individuals from diverse and underserved communities may face additional barriers or prefer alternative ways to access the system. Concerted effort is given to build trust and relationships, understand disparities, and enable equitable access.

Examples: community outreach coordinator, cultural liaison

Critical Questions for Consideration

  • How might potential barriers experienced by diverse and underserved groups attempting to access and use dispute resolution services be identified?  What changes in policy or practice can be made to minimize these barriers?
  • What strategies can be used to build trust and maintain relationships to support students with disabilities within diverse and underserved communities?  How can these relationships be leveraged to improve access to and delivery of dispute resolution services?
  • What mechanisms are in place to ensure information provided about the dispute resolution process is culturally relevant and useful to stakeholders?
