Data System

Indicator: A data system is in place that allows for tracking of cases across different dispute resolution options and the analysis of activities and performance.

Program data are housed in a structure that allows analysis of activities and performance. Mechanisms are in place for collecting and tracking case specific data from inquiry to outcome or resolution. Effective data systems allow for easier data collection, case management, reporting, and data analysis within a specific process and across the entire system. Being mindful of confidentiality requirements, permissions are set so that appropriate personnel and contractual entities have access to individual case data, as well as program and dispute resolution system data.

Examples: SEA dispute resolution or longitudinal database, spreadsheets, case management program, case files

Critical Questions for Consideration

  • What data are being tracked? How is it collected and stored?
  • Are there opportunities to automate some aspects of the process?
  • What data can be queried? What reports can be generated?
  • Who can access data and for what purposes?
