Case Management

Indicator: Cases are managed in a timely, consistent, compliant, and effective manner.

Practitioners are quickly assigned to cases and adhere to timelines. Mechanisms and procedures are in place to ensure timely communication between the coordinators and practitioners, and between coordinators, practitioners and participants. Case specific data are tracked from inquiry to result (e.g., practitioner, participants, issues, timelines, outcomes). Software solutions that provide a user-friendly interface and connect to the data system allow for effective case management and data collection.

Examples: timeline standards, meeting logistics, case assignment, case data tracking system

Critical Questions for Consideration

  • Are current caseloads manageable? How are increases in system use managed?
  • What is the workflow for each type of dispute resolution case from beginning to end? Are there places where a process gets bogged down?
  • How might efficiency be improved without sacrificing quality? Are there opportunities to automate tasks (e.g., software solutions, letter templates)?
  • How is early resolution of conflicts promoted, and when?
