This searchable database contains bibliographic information for literature (research-based and policy/practice) relating to dispute resolution in special education.

CADRE is interested in identifying additional articles and publications to include in this database. If you are aware of other such resources, please send an email to with as much information as possible about the resource (e.g., title, author, source, date), and include a copy of the publication or a URL link, if available.  Interested in emerging research and knowledge gaps in IDEA dispute resolution?

Person-Centered Planning

This article describes an innovative planning process that is centered on the person--the student--and that incorporates up-to-date technologies. It's called Making Action Plans (MAPS). For the past 30 years special educators have included parents as collaborative partners in their children's...Learn more

Postsecondary Transition Under IDEA 2004: A Legal Update

Abstract Postsecondary transition planning for students with disabilities first entered the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990. The required provisions for transition planning were updated with the amendments to IDEA in 1997 and its reauthorization in 2004. Since IDEA 2004...Learn more

Predictors of parents perception toward the IEP meeting

UMI Number: 3507702 [Abstract] "In the field of educational leadership, as well as special education, parental participation is paramount given that federal law has mandated that schools provide and show evidence that they foster parental participation. This quantitative, non-experimental study...Learn more

Preguntas frecuentes acerca de la mediación.

Esta publicación ha sido desarrollada por CADRE (Consorcio para la Resolución Apropiada de Disputas en la Educación Especial) con el fin de responder a la gran cantidad de preguntas que muchos padres, maestros, y administradores, entre otras personas tienen acerca de la mediación. Desde preguntas...Learn more

Preparing Special Education Teachers to Collaborate With Families

Positive family–school–community relationships are associated with student success. Creating successful relationships with parents is an important but difficult task for teachers to master. Therefore, teacher candidates need opportunities to learn how to develop collaborative relationships with...Learn more

Recent Legal Developments of Interest to Special Educators

[Abstract] An overview is provided of five recent legal developments that merit special attention of special educators: (a) the amended Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) regulations concerning parental consent, including subsequent agency interpretations concerning...Learn more

