Peer-Reviewed Research and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): An Examination of Intent and Impact

Date Published:
Susan Etscheidt and Christina M. Curran
Page Numbers

    "This article examines the intended purpose of [peer-reviewed research] provision [of IDEA] and its impact on the development of IEPs. Intent is examined through the legislative history of the PRR requirement. The impact of the PRR provision is illustrated in an analysis of litigation and a presentation of critical commentary on the application of empirical research... to establish the efficacy of special education interventions." [abstract]


     The article concludes with recommendations for IEP  teams (excerpts below from p.145):

1. Review the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) section of the IEP, which should contain a summarization of the evaluation data, both academic and behavioral.

2. Develop academic and functional goals designed to "meet the child's needs."

3. Determine special education, related services, and supplementary aids and services based on PRR to the extent practicale to "advance appropriately towards attaining the annual goals."