Family Engagement

All parents can and should participate meaningfully in their children’s education, including those whose children receive special education services. Research demonstrates that parent/family involvement significantly contributes to improved student outcomes. Engagement between family members and educators is seen through coordinated efforts as well as joint agenda setting and decision-making and is evidenced by higher levels of trust.

Engaging Parents in Productive Partnerships is an easy-to-read presentation of suggestions on how educators and service providers can effectively collaborate with parents including specific recommendations for IEP meetings. Tell us what you think of the document, please click here to take a short...
Video of Spanish Language Webinar Sobre el seminario web: Los Centros de Padres a lo largo y ancho del país están asistiendo a padres de familia cuyo idioma no es el inglés para que se preparen para las reuniones del IEP de sus hijos. El personal que atiende a estas familias necesita información y...
On August 14, 2013 CADRE hosted a free webinar with Karen Mapp, Director, Education Policy and Management Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Moving Forward: Building Effective Family-School Partnerships . Video of CADRE Webinar:Moving Forward-Building Family School Partnerships8.14.13...
Tracy Gershwin Mueller is an Associate Professor at the University of Northern Colorado where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the special education licensure program and coordinates the Intervention Specialist MA program. Tracy specializes in interventions for children and youth...
Patricia McGinnis holds a degree in education from the University of Minnesota and has over twenty years of teaching experience. She has been the Coordinator of the Minnesota Department of Education's Special Education Mediation Service since 2001, assuring access to the federally required mediation...
Diana Autin is the Executive Co-Director of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN), NJ’s Parent Training and Information Center. She also co-directs NE-PACT, the Region 1 Parent Technical Assistance Center, providing technical assistance and capacity-building to the federally-funded parent...
Introduction The introduction to this sourcebook stresses the need for schools, communities, and families to work together to educate children to be productive and caring 21 st century citizens. American families are described as more diverse than ever before, spanning cultures, languages, levels of...
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