Voices from the Field: Diana Autin

Diana Autin is the Executive Co-Director of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN), NJ’s Parent Training and Information Center. She also co-directs NE-PACT, the Region 1 Parent Technical Assistance Center, providing technical assistance and capacity-building to the federally-funded parent training and information centers and community parent resource centers in the Northeast United States.

Clip 1: As you think about stakeholder involvement in decision making, are there particular benefits that you believe come as a result and any advice about how you can most effectively engage diverse perspectives in decisions?

Clip 2: As you think about the advice you give to families, are there nuggets that you feel are particularly helpful?

Clip 3: As you think about the Creating Agreement training, are there aspects of it that you believe are particularly important or powerful?

Clip 4: What are some of the issues you see related to race, culture, economic position that have bearing on the work that we're doing in dispute resolution?

Contact Information:

Diana Autin
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network of NJ
35 Halsey Street
Newark, NJ 07102