Family Engagement

All parents can and should participate meaningfully in their children’s education, including those whose children receive special education services. Research demonstrates that parent/family involvement significantly contributes to improved student outcomes. Engagement between family members and educators is seen through coordinated efforts as well as joint agenda setting and decision-making and is evidenced by higher levels of trust.

The Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee and Howard County Publc School System encourage and welcome parent involvement in every phase of a child's educational journey. In the area of special education, parent involvement is crucial.
The Connecticut School-Family-Community Partnerships Project helps educators, parents and community members develop partnerships by providing training, topical workshops, a newsletter, and a collection of books, videos and other resources.

Home Works! trains, supports and pays teachers to conduct home visits, and is designed to improve academic achievement, attendance and classroom behavior.

Sharing the Commitment to Excellence is a collaborative project that has been created to foster effective partnerships between parents, schools, and the community.
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