Literature Articles

The primary mechanism for dispute resolution under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is a due process hearing. The total number of adjudicated hearings under IDEA has dropped from the high level during the latter part of the 1990s and the early part of the current decade. Yet...
The primary purpose of this article is to track the trend in the number of due process hearings that have been adjudicated (i.e., in which the hearing officer issued a written decision) nationally for the past 15 years. The secondary purpose is to rank order the states by the number of adjudicated...
Abstract: The authors report the average duration of fully adjudicated hearings was much longer than the regulatory timeline, and only 15% of the standard decisions for the six-year period were completed within the 75-day timeline. They note the 75-day benchmark serves as a guideline goal, with the...
This brief report presents state data from 10 years (1991-2000) on the number of special education due process hearings requested and the number actually held. It notes requirements for designing and conducting due process hearings under both federal (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and...
This report presents data from all 50 states on due process hearings concerning the education of students with disabilities for the years 1992, 1993, and 1994. Data were gathered from a 1996 survey conducted by the National Association of State Directors of Special Education. This survey updates due...
The article examines the issues raised by 51 Massachusetts due process appeals in which parents of handicapped children appealed for more appropriate placements within the public schools. Results are discussed in terms of identification issues, issues related to educational or related services, and...
The Reauthorized IDEA (1997) clarifies parties' due process rights. The full text of the 1997 IDEA is at /resources/literature-article/procedural-safeguards-background-text-office-special-education-programs . Perhaps the best document for enhancing your understanding of due process rights under IDEA...
In this article, the results of three experiments designed to evaluate the impact of an electronic mediator on negotiating behavior are reported. The mediator is a web-based tool that serves three mediation functions: diagnosis, analysis, and advice. The diagnosis provides information about progress...
The introduction to this sourcebook stresses the need for schools, communities, and families to work together to educate children to be productive and caring 21 st century citizens. American families are described as more diverse than ever before, spanning cultures, languages, levels of education...
The 1997 Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) give parents an opportunity to participate in meetings with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of their children. This article discusses parental involvement under the IDEA, specifically...
As schools emphasize accountability and academic progress for all students, professional collaboration is a critical aspect of planning accommodations and interventions that address the learning needs of diverse learners. To better understand collaborative processes, the authors investigated the...
[Abstract] The purpose of this article is to investigate the potential role of parent involvement and parent expectation in post school outcomes for individuals who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). Students who are DHH have lower retention and employment rates than their peers. Recognizing the...
[Dissertation abstract] For a student with a disability to receive special education services, an IEP team composed of education professionals and the student's parents must reach consensus on eligibility, programming, and placement. Conflict, mistrust, and dissatisfaction contributed to the...
[Excerpt: conclusion] "Parents need to be empowered to be active members in the early intervention process as parental participation benefits the child and is related to increased child achievement. Satisfaction is achieved when parents are active and are equal members of the early intervention team...
This article presents implications for practice related to parent participation. [conclusion] "Walker and Singer (1993) pointed out that the relationship between parent and professional is developmental in nature. As professional team members develop relationships with parents new to special...
This document synthesizes findings from a number of recent academic studies and policy publications. Among the highlights is the idea that involvement may be too narrow a term to encapsulate the range and depth of partnerships that support students' success. Tell us what you think of the document...
This discussion of dispute resolution and remedies under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act focuses on the due process hearing as well as alternative dispute resolution, appropriate relief, reimbursements, compensatory relief, punitive damages, and attorneys' fees. (ERIC)
[Abstract] This qualitative study examined the perspectives of parents of students with significant disabilities about the Secondary Transition Process. Significant disabilities were defined as students with intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and autism. Federal regulations require...
[Abstract] The reauthorizations of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act emphasize that students and parents are to be considered equal partners in the individualized education program (IEP) process. This article addresses how to move from compliance with the law to facilitating meaningful...
Parent involvement and leadership have evolved over time and carry different meanings within various educational contexts in the United States. In special education, parent involvement includes the roles that parents of children with disabilities play in the development of their children’s...
[abstract] This Executive Position Paper explores promising practice recommendations for enhancing the collaborative capacity of individualized education programs (IEPs) in Delaware Schools. Recommendations marry existing literature on collaboration, building capacity through adult training/coaching...
ABSTRACT The history of the people, problems, and politics surrounding the establishment of federal special education policy is rich with useful illustrations for advocates and educators. As the 50th anniversary of IDEA approaches, we use a historical perspective to consider how the promise of the...
The authors contend that the equity and advocacy expectations imbedded in the legal mandate for parent participation in the special education decision-making process directly contradict the hierarchy of professional status and knowledge on which the positivist paradigm of professionalism is based...
This article advocates comprehensive school reform to develop more inclusive placements and improve outcomes for all students. The process involves professional development toward establishing a more collaborative culture. The important role of leadership in modeling collaboration is covered, with...
This study examined the effectiveness of mediation (in comparison with due process hearings) in resolving disputes between parents of children with disabilities and school districts. Respondents (from 10 states) included 35 parents who had taken part in a mediation procedure only; 29 in a mediation...