Encouraging Active Parent Participation in IEP Team Meetings

Date Published:
Teaching Exceptional Children
Dabkowski, D. M.
Page Numbers

This article presents implications for practice related to parent participation.



    "Walker and Singer (1993) pointed out that the relationship between parent and professional is developmental in nature. As professional team members develop relationships with parents new to special education services, team members must consider the long-term effect of that relationship on active parent

participation in decision making.

     Parents who are supported in their initial

attempts to be equitable team members in decision making will likely continue to participate later in their child’s

school career. Professional team members should take these factors into consideration during the developmental


     Team members should view team practices as a focal point for ongoing professional development. Recognize

that as the knowledge base related to teaming and collaboration grows, new and better practices may continue to emerge. Along with professional team members, parents and administrators will require knowledge of new practices and opportunities to employ them in an environment supported by all team members."