Literature Articles

[Abstract] "Parents of special education students may take a passive role at individual education planning (IEP) meetings. This passivity often results in poor planning and reduced student performance at school. Understanding parent experiences during IEP meetings for children could help...
This article focuses on parent and school rights controversies, school-community relationships, parents' anger and frustration over school officials, conflicting ideologies, rights and responsibilities, and proactive problem solving.
Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be stressful, and accessing services can add to this stress. Self-efficacy, agency and advocacy are important for parents when accessing and using services. To develop insight into parental advocacy, a meta-synthesis was undertaken to...
[Abstract] "The aim of this study was to ascertain which dimensions of parents’ experiences with schools are most strongly associated with parents’ perceptions that schools are or are not facilitating parent involvement as mandated by the federal accountability system under the Individuals With...
[Abstract] In the context of a national conversation about exclusionary discipline, we conducted a multilevel examination of the relative contributions of infraction, student, and school characteristics to rates of and racial disparities in out-of-school suspension and expulsion. Type of infraction...
These documents contain the CADRE analyses of the SPP/APR dispute resolution indicators (Part B: 16-19 and Part C: 10-13) for FY2009-10.
The Part B federal regulations were published in the Federal Register on August 14, 2006 and December 1, 2008. [2big]
Published November 2011, this document summarizes changes to the Early Intervention Federal Regulations for parents, early intervention service providers, and state lead agencies.
"This article examines the intended purpose of [peer-reviewed research] provision [of IDEA] and its impact on the development of IEPs. Intent is examined through the legislative history of the PRR requirement. The impact of the PRR provision is illustrated in an analysis of litigation and a...
This case study investigated parental perceptions of students with autism towards the IEP meeting from one family support group chapter in the north Texas area. Participants were asked to share their experiences of previous IEP meetings and to provide input regarding not only measures that school...
This article describes an innovative planning process that is centered on the person--the student--and that incorporates up-to-date technologies. It's called Making Action Plans (MAPS). For the past 30 years special educators have included parents as collaborative partners in their children's...
Presents a discussion on the individualized education programs (IEP) intended for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Key components of the IEP, effects of the child's disability on his involvement, importance of functional assessment of the behavior in planning the IEP, problems in...
Abstract: Improving student outcomes for students with disabilities is the primary goal of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The IDEA charges school districts to collaborate closely with parents to design and execute an individualized education program (IEP) that allows...
Abstract Postsecondary transition planning for students with disabilities first entered the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990. The required provisions for transition planning were updated with the amendments to IDEA in 1997 and its reauthorization in 2004. Since IDEA 2004...
UMI Number: 3507702 [Abstract] "In the field of educational leadership, as well as special education, parental participation is paramount given that federal law has mandated that schools provide and show evidence that they foster parental participation. This quantitative, non-experimental study...
Facilitated Individualized Education Program (FIEP) meetings present one option for early, alternative dispute resolution in special education. Although it has been suggested that this process may be useful in resolving disputes and improving relationships, these hypotheses have not been directly...
Given the increased judicialization of the DPH, legal representation of the parties may be another factor in the length of the pre-hearing and hearing processes. Although parents may proceed pro se in DPHs, research rather conclusively shows an outcomes advantage for parents who retain legal...
Esta publicación ha sido desarrollada por CADRE (Consorcio para la Resolución Apropiada de Disputas en la Educación Especial) con el fin de responder a la gran cantidad de preguntas que muchos padres, maestros, y administradores, entre otras personas tienen acerca de la mediación. Desde preguntas...
[abstract] "The purpose of this qualitative case study is to describe preservice special education teacher’ beliefs and perceptions about collaboration as a professional practice. It has been established through national teacher and accreditation standards, through federal policy, and through...
Positive family–school–community relationships are associated with student success. Creating successful relationships with parents is an important but difficult task for teachers to master. Therefore, teacher candidates need opportunities to learn how to develop collaborative relationships with...
It is the purpose of this report to examine procedural safeguards beginning with the initial parent-school communication and continuing through notification, evaluation, programming, to the due process hearing in order to determine which factors at which points in the process result in more...
This article reports 3 experiments that were conducted to investigate preferences for alternative dispute resolution. Preferences for dispute resolution features were investigated with respect to decision control, process control, and rule control. The three studies were intended primarily to...
This document provides information on the procedures for the investigation and resolution of special education complaints for schools or agencies under supervision of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education Programs (OIEP). Regulations are explained for the following areas: (1)...
The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 44.3 million people living in the United States in 2006 were of Hispanic descent. This population is far from homogeneous and includes seven major subgroups based on their origin, each with its own characteristics, which are briefly discussed. Of the 5.1 million...