Navigating Intra-Family Conflict

Cover of Navigating Intra-Family ConflictThe importance of early intervention services (EIS) in improving outcomes for children with developmental delays or disabilities is well-established, as is the impact on the child’s development of having stable, supporting, safe and responsive adults. While conflict is a normal and natural part of healthy relationships, prolonged conflict between parents can be harmful to a child. This resource offers strategies and sample language EIS providers can use and adapt to fit their context as they navigate intra-family conflicts.


Related Resources:
In the Best Interests of the Child
Playing Nicely Together: Family-centered Practices to Help Practitioners and Families Work Together (Webinar)
Practical Strategies for Helping Parents in Conflict: Assisting Divorced or Estranged Parents through the IEP Process (Webinar)
Productive Conversations Through Empathy (Webinar)
Skilled Dialogue (Part 1 and Part II) (Webinar)
Moving Beyond Disputes: Mobilizing and Orchestrating a “Village” When Extensive Change is Required (Webinar)


This resource was shaped and informed by members of the CADRE and ECTA Early Intervention Dispute Resolution Learning Community, and a subcommittee focused on providing intra-family conflict resources to assist those who support early intervention services for infants and toddlers and their families. Thanks to Dr. Edward Feinberg for his early support and guidance in this work, and to the subcommittee, Vanessa Allen, Mary Dennehy-Colorusso, Regina McCauley, and Meghan Smith for their support in shaping this resource. Special thank you to Elisabeth Teller for her extensive review and feedback.