
Is anyone currently using a secure platform to host a PLC that allows for sharing best practices, collegial support, updates on critical regulatory issues, etc.? If yes, what have you found to be a useful platform? What challenges have you encountered i

Is anyone currently using a secure platform to host a PLC that allows for sharing best practices, collegial support, updates on critical regulatory issues, etc.? If yes, what have you found to be a useful platform? What challenges have you encountered in implementing something of this nature? Anything we should be aware of or take into consideration as we pursue this resource?

How do other states handle the IEP team meeting invitation when the state provides a facilitator? 1.    District adds ‘state facilitator’ to the meeting invitation

How do other states handle the IEP team meeting invitation when the state provides a facilitator? 1) District adds ‘state facilitator’ to the meeting invitation; 2) Parent adds ‘state facilitator’ when they send their signature back for the meeting; 3) Both 1 and 2; or 4) Neither 1 nor 2. How do other states handle the signature page of an IEP team meeting when the state provides a facilitator?
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