Due Process

Looking for feedback regarding whether or not anyone has seen a situation where not only a parent brings a hearing complaint against a school district but also against the SEA as a party.  We had such an appeal where the SEA was made a party in the early

Looking for feedback regarding whether or not anyone has seen a situation where not only a parent brings a hearing complaint against a school district but also against the SEA as a party.  We had such an appeal where the SEA was made a party in the early 80s and again in 1992 (yes, I’ve been here that long!)  We now have a current case.  The appeal, in part, is against a state law which the parent advocacy group wants to overturn and is attempting to do it through a hearing.  I sense this will be dismissed but am curious if anyone else has seen such an appeal and if OSEP has ever weighed in ab

We are entering the world of public charter schools with the local boards of education being the only allowable authorizers. We would appreciate input from states with experience in this area about SEA and LEA responsibilities for providing special educat

We are entering the world of public charter schools with the local boards of education being the only allowable authorizers. We would appreciate input from states with experience in this area about SEA and LEA responsibilities for providing special education oversight of: -implementation/documentation of IEP services; -dispute resolution processes; and -compliance/monitoring.
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