
About the Webinar : Recently the presenters have heard from States that the frequency of phone calls, emails and written complaints coming from “frequent filers” has significantly increased. Frequent filers are individuals who file multiple complaints (informal and formal), often on overlapping...
Video of CADRE Webinar-Creating Change: Student Led IEPs as Dispute Resolution Option About the Webinar: This interactive and engaging webinar will explore student-led IEPs and their relationship to self-advocacy and student engagement. The webinar will be co-facilitated by a student from Oregon, a...
Video of Moving Beyond Disputes: Mobilizing and Orchestrating a “Village” When Extensive Change is Required About the Webinar: Disputes often occur because professionals and families have radically different visions of what services and supports are necessary to attain IDEA’s four results of...
Video of Using Trauma Sensitive Strategies 6 0 About the Webinar: There is a growing awareness that trauma is pervasive and that the impact of trauma is often deep and life-shaping. Whether or not it is fully recognized, educators work with survivors of trauma, including students, families and...
Video of Spanish Language Webinar Sobre el seminario web: Los Centros de Padres a lo largo y ancho del país están asistiendo a padres de familia cuyo idioma no es el inglés para que se preparen para las reuniones del IEP de sus hijos. El personal que atiende a estas familias necesita información y...
About the Webinar: This webinar focused on the fundamentals of creating supportive and effective family-practitioner relationships. The group of presenters, representing family, practitioner, and technical assistance perspectives, shared some of the building blocks of relationships, family-centered...
Video of CADRE Webinar - Parent Center Initiatives in Early Dispute Resolution About the Webinar: Parent centers play a critical role in the prevention and resolution of special education conflicts. From stakeholder involvement to collaborating with mediation programs to designing and implementing...
Recorded on November 6, 2014 About the Webinar: This webinar starts with a brief overview of the history and use of restorative justice practices to resolve conflict. This is followed by a description of the use of restorative practices in public education, with a spotlight on promising initiatives...
About the Webinar: Dr. Edward Feinberg is the lead author of CADRE's most recent publication, " In the Best Interests of the Child: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings When Parents Are In Conflict. " As a psychologist and early intervention program manager for more than 30 years, Dr...
About the Webinar: This was a special webinar for people to get ideas on how to use these new, parent-friendly guides on mediation, due process hearings, written State complaints, and resolution meetings. This webinar also described the collaborative process that CADRE used to develop the guides...