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Video of The Transformative Power of Engaging Parents as Partners About the Webinar: Learn how Poway Unified School District completely transformed their relationships with families, re-established trust, and even more importantly, improved students’ learning experiences. Their intentional efforts to engage parents as partners also helped save the district millions of dollars in attorney fees and settlement costs. Their hope is that by continuing to partner with parents, staff can spend less time and energy embroiled in conflict and more time and energy exploring ways to continuously improve...

THRIVE - Dispute Resolution Methods

Video of CADRE Webinar: Trust in Family-Professional Partnerships About the Webinar: Throughout history, researchers have documented new, ongoing, and growing conflict between families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them. Qualitative and quantitative studies have demonstrated that the majority of these challenges begin with a lack of trust, that has either never existed in the partnership or deteriorated as a result of a breakdown in communication, incompatible goals, and/or misunderstanding between parties. In fact, trust is one of the most commonly mentioned...

Following an extensive review, CADRE identified four States with exemplary dispute resolution systems. In September 2009, CADRE brought together Dee Ann Wilson of Iowa, Jo Anne Pool Blades of Oklahoma, Kerry Smith of Pennsylvania, and Jack Marker of Wisconsin. A discussion during the September meeting resulted in a list of "Top Tips" that these four leaders believe would be of value to other State dispute resolution system managers.

Training Video - Success with the IEP

This one page CADRE document details recent trends in the use of dispute resolution procedures to resolve special education disagreements.

About the Webinar: During this webinar, we will discuss trends in the use of IDEA formal dispute resolution procedures (written signed complaints, mediation, due process complaints/hearings, and resolution meetings) over the past eleven years. In addition, we’ll look at: Video of Trends in Dispute Resolution: What Might 11 Years of National Data Reveal? Total national rates of activity (dispute resolution events per 10K childcount in the 50 states) and mean state reported activity (average of state rates reported); Drilling down into data (e.g., “due process complaints resolved without a...

About the Webinar: Research provides strong evidence that organizations with a high degree of trust among employees are far more likely to make and sustain the kinds of changes that help them reach their goals and outcomes than those organizations where there is little or no trust among staff. This session described both empirical and conceptual research related to trust types. We explored the various types of trust as they relate to social and organizational life. In addition, we made connections between trust, trust types, relationship, communication and increased effectiveness in mediation...

TX - 2016 Mediation Survey FINAL

TX - Complaint Investigation Questionaire

TX - Facilitated IEP Meeting Quick Reference Guide

TX - Facilitated Individualized Education Program (FIEP) On-Going Tracking Survey

TX - Facilitated Individualized Education Program (FIEP) Participant Survey

TX - New Complaints Process Dispute Resolution Webinar 1

TX ECI - Parent to Parent: Knowing Your Rights

TX ECI - Spanish Parent to Parent: Knowing Your Rights

TX-1 FIEP Quick Reference Guide.pdf

TX-2 Tracking_Survey.pdf

TX-3 Participant_Survey.pdf

UPC - IEP Tips for Parents