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Patricia Williams is a consultant with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction who works in the area of special education procedural compliance. She is the coordinator for the State IDEA complaint process and is the liaison to the Due Process Hearing System. Patricia is a former WDPI liaison to the WI Special Education Mediation System. She served as one of the CADRE Exemplar Wisconsin Coordinators for development of the Wisconsin Exemplar Profile development. The interviews below were conducted in 2010 as part of CADRE's Exemplar Initiative . Clip 1: What is the one thing you know now...

Arizona Department of Education and Raising Special Kids This Voices from the Field interview series features select OSEP federally-funded parent centers and state education agencies who have well-established and high-functioning collaborative relationships. In April of 2021, CADRE staff interviewed leaders from the Arizona Department of Education (Lori Bird) and Raising Special Kids (Chris Tiffany, Kathy Gray-Mangerson) to learn more about what makes their partnership so effective. This hour-long interview provides viewers with tips and takeaways that may help others improve their own...

Tracy Gershwin Mueller is an Associate Professor at the University of Northern Colorado where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the special education licensure program and coordinates the Intervention Specialist MA program. Tracy specializes in interventions for children and youth with challenging behaviors, family-school partnerships, and alternative dispute resolution in special education. Tracy is also a trained mediator. Clip 1: You've done a lot of work around positive parent engagement. Are there strategies, advice that you would offer about how we can create and really...

Trisha Bergin-Lytton specializes in offering expertise and professional services to school districts, charter schools, non-profit organizations, advocacy groups and families to address the individualized needs of special education students by providing mediation, facilitation of IEP meetings, training/professional development and consultation. She is highly regarded as an IDEA-knowledgeable professional extremely skilled in conflict resolution who assists teams to work collaboratively in developing realistic solutions in an effective, creative and timely manner. Since 1974, Trisha has worked...

Weadé Wallace was formerly the Executive Director at Advocates for Justice and Education, Inc., (AJE), a non-profit organization and the federally designated Parent Training and Information Center for the District of Columbia, dedicated to the education, support and free legal representation of D.C. families with special needs children. She has an extensive background in leading programs that provide direct services and supports to underserved communities. Weadé has served on many boards and committees in the District including the D.C. State Rehabilitation Council and the D.C. Inclusive...

VT - Mediation Evaluation Form

WA - Agreement to Mediate - Zoom

WA - CAP Matrix Shell

WA - Dispute Resolution: The Citizen Complaint Process

WA - Due Process Hearing Procedures Checklist

WA - IEP Meeting Facilitation Agreement

WA - Letter to District - Complainant Response

WA - Letter to District - Notice of Complaint

WA - Letter to Parent - Acknowledgement of District Response

WA - Part C Dispute Resolution Request Form

WA - Response Letter to Complainant (Parent)

WA - Response Letter to NonParent

WA - Special Education Citizen Complaint

WA - Tips for Districts When Responding to Citizen Complaints

WA - Tips for Parents When Organizing Reply

WA - Tracking and Processing a Mediation Request


Register here: The Right Question School-Family Partnership Strategy is a pathway for educators and parents to work more effectively with each other – to improve communication, increase parental participation, nurture engagement, and engender better partnerships. From an educator perspective, the strategy is a flexible tool that can be implemented immediately into existing work with parents and families. It does not require additional staff or administration. It can be easily integrated into activities schools are already doing: teachers meeting one-on-one...

Webinar: Helping Families Meet Resource Needs and Achieve Self-Sufficiency

Join the webinar here: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” (translation from Chinese philosopher Lao Tze). Early Interventionists and other home visitors who work with families with young children often support families with resource needs. We produce lists of resources or information, make referrals for families, and even bring resources or materials to the family. We are trying to help, but these practices do not necessarily assist the family with build the capacity to...