Literature Articles

This side-by-side comparison of the 2011 final regulations to the 1999 Part C regulations, created by the Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Early Childhood, and the IDEA Infant & Toddlers Coordinator Association, serves as a tool to assist readers in understanding the new regulations...
Current research on parental reports of their experiences during the IEP process suggests that favorable perceptions are the exception rather than the norm. In their review of 10 studies on parental views of the IEP process published since 2004, Reiman, Beck, Coppola, and Engiles (2010) found only...
This article highlights the essential elements of successful IEP meetings. Under the umbrella of communication are six elements: pre-meeting planning, meeting facilitator, meeting agenda, ground rules, essential knowledge, and limit jargon. [Conclusion] "Effective open communication techniques can...
The article investigates the relationship between cultural similarities and differences on the part of the representatives of contending states and mediators, and outcomes of mediation efforts in militarized disputes. A distinction is made between social culture, defined primarily in terms of...
[Abstract] This 3-year study evaluated the effectiveness of the Second Step–Student Success Through Prevention (SS-SSTP) socialemotional learning program on increasing prosocial behaviors that could serve as protective factors against peer conflict and bullying among students with disabilities...
The article reviews the features of the appeals process, particularly in relation to a three-year study of the Massachusetts special education appeals system. (ERIC)
Pt. IV, “Empirical Research on IDEA Disputes.” Focuses on costs and attorney’s fees, but also includes information on prevalence and dynamic of the disputes. First data mentioned is from 1989 report by GAO. Between 1984 and 1988, more disputes appeared to be resolved informally, as numbers of...
The authors examined the Education of the Handicapped Law Report (EHLR)/Individuals with Disabilities Education Law Report (IDELR) database to determine the frequency of occurrence and outcomes of published K-12 student special education decisions. Their analysis revealed three findings: first, that...
[Abstract] The number of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) receiving services in public schools is increasing steadily. However, the findings of previous research and recent litigation trends suggest that a notable disconnect persists between school-based services and parental...
Research studies and commentaries have analyzed the formal mechanisms associated with special education conflict such as the use of mediation and impartial hearings to resolve disputes. However, specific information regarding the management of special education conflict at the school level is in...
This qualitative research study was conducted to (1) identify the leadership actions special education directors took to increase cooperation and mitigate conflict between families and schools and (2) analyze what special education directors experienced after receiving requests for impartial due...
The report analyzes the 314 special education due process hearings held in Illinois during 1978, 1979, and the first three months of 1980 and the 95 state level appeals from the hearing officer decisions with these 314 cases. Data are analyzed and reported by handicapping condition and issue...
This article presents findings from an analysis of special education due process hearing decisions rendered in Iowa from July 1, 1989, through June 30, 2001. Detailed information regarding specific issues of dispute and prevailing party is presented, with an emphasis on differences in issues...
The purpose of this paper is to review the effect that hearing officer background, and case variables have on decisions rendered during Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) due process hearings. (Abstract from author)
Abstract The use of a simple 50%-50% box score of decisions for parents and districts, respectively, is a false measure of the impartiality of hearing officers under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This analysis canvasses relevant structural factors that the stakeholders, the...
This article proposes improvements in independent due process procedures for the resolution of special educational disputes between parents and local educational agencies. The suggestions are based on empirical findings and on importable practices from labor arbitration and civil adjudication. The...
This article offers an overview of special education laws and their impacts on children with reading and other disabilities. It identifies some of the tensions in sorting decisions that place such children in "special" or "regular" classroom settings. It examines the definition of children with...
[Abstract] "Intended as professional development for both new and experienced special educators, this article provides both the basic requirements and nuanced issues for foundational, successive, and overlapping key components under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): (a) child...
Responds to Jonathan Beyer's proposal in the January 1999 issue of this Journal (EJ583600) that traditional mediation would be useful for resolving special education disputes by formalizing the way that mediators are trained. Relying on empirical research, warns that Beyer's proposals for further...
Authors discuss experiences with successful special education mediations through an examination of cases focusing on common elements which have contributed to successful resolution. Provides definition of mediation; conflicts most often leading to mediation or due process; skills of mediators...
This study provides an analysis of special education data from the United States and from the United Kingdom (England) to examine national trends and to provide a research baseline for benchmarking. After years of steady increases in the US and England, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act...
The ability of parents of children with disabilities to seek reimbursement for private school tuition is one of the most controversial aspects of special education law. Using a comprehensive sample of published court and hearing officer decisions regarding tuition reimbursement, this study...
The author discusses the problem of balancing the incentive for appropriately serving students with disabilities and the transaction costs of an adversarial system of dispute resolution.
This paper explores why some special educational needs (SEN) disagreements become very distressing for parents and how such disagreements can be prevented or resolved. It is a qualitative study of the experiences of 78 parents (70 mothers, eight fathers) who participated in a national study of...