
This address provided a brief review of CADRE's past and the current context in which special education dispute resolution operates. It described four key areas of focus for CADRE and our community of practice for the future: How can we support early positive engagement between families and schools...
Hillary is an Education Program Specialist and dispute resolution lead at the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs in Monitoring and State Improvement Planning (MSIP). Hillary has a J.D. from the University of Minnesota, a master's degree in Educational Policy and...
Nissan Bar-Lev is the Director of Special Education for Cooperative Educational Service Agency # 7, a consortium of 38 school districts, and is one of 3 partners in the Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System. He serves on the Executive Board of the Wisconsin Council of Administrators of...
Dee Ann Wilson was a consultant with the Iowa Department of Education until her retirement in June 2010. Most of the 29 years while employed with the SEA involved administering policies and procedures concerning state complaints, preappeal conferences (mediations without requesting a hearing)...
Patricia Williams is a consultant with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction who works in the area of special education procedural compliance. She is the coordinator for the State IDEA complaint process and is the liaison to the Due Process Hearing System. Patricia is a former WDPI liaison...
Kerry Voss Smith is the Director of the Pennsylvania Office for Dispute Resolution, which provides the resources for parents and educators to resolve special education disputes. In addition to due process and mediation services, ODR also offers IEP and Resolution Meeting Facilitation; ConsultLine (a...
J o Anne Blades has been Program Manager for the Special Education Resolution Center since its inception in 2005. SERC was created by contract between the Oklahoma State Department of Education and Oklahoma State University to manage the programs for due process and mediation in special education...
Cindy Swain coordinates special education complaint investigations for the Texas Education Agency. She currently manages the state's IEP facilitation initiative in Texas and serves on the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities and the State Task Force for Children with Special Needs. As a...
Tracy Gershwin Mueller is an Associate Professor at the University of Northern Colorado where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the special education licensure program and coordinates the Intervention Specialist MA program. Tracy specializes in interventions for children and youth...
Patricia McGinnis holds a degree in education from the University of Minnesota and has over twenty years of teaching experience. She has been the Coordinator of the Minnesota Department of Education's Special Education Mediation Service since 2001, assuring access to the federally required mediation...
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