Any experience dealing with enforcement of a hearing decision  For example a hearing officer ordered among other things that a district arrange for a special type of vehicle to transport a student a medical taxi and the district has not 2 months lat

Any experience dealing with enforcement of a hearing decision?  For example, a hearing officer ordered, among other things, that a district arrange for a special type of vehicle to transport a student (a medical taxi) and the district has not 2 months later complied.  The District represents and has logs to show that they have tried but cannot find a vendor to provide the transportation. The State has been in touch with the parties since the issuance of the order and has been updated on district’s efforts.   Student continued to attend school via a regular school bus.  The failure to comply is not ongoing as school is over now and the student is going to be residentially placed.  CT has no regulation on enforcing hearing decisions.  The district has complied with the other parts of the final decision.  No appeal.
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