Currently when a complaint is received, IF the complainant uses the state model form AND checks they are interested in mediation AND sign the form then we send their information to Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS) which provides free mediation

Currently when a complaint is received, IF the complainant uses the state model form AND checks they are interested in mediation AND sign the form then we send their information to our contracted mediation organization which provides free mediation services funded through IDEA dollars…..however, I have noticed we have a very high number of complaints which are filed where the complainant does not use the state model form and so there is no mediation page and no expressed interest in mediation and the state, by practice, does not send those to our contracted mediation organization. Do any of you see any reason the SEA would not be able to send their information over to the organization we contract with if they did not expressly decline mediation? There is nothing in IDEA which says we can’t and I think if we don’t, then we may continue to miss out on options for mediation.  Comparing our state complaints and mediation data with other states I would like to identify some ways we can increase our mediation rates and decrease state complaints filed.  This seemed like one of the more obvious places to start.
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