Resolution Meetings

Resolution meetings, often referred to as “resolution sessions”, are required under federal law as an opportunity for families and schools to resolve issues raised in a due process complaint, in a less formal process and setting. While this process occurs at the local level and is the responsibility of LEAs to convene, State Education Agencies have the ultimate responsibility for this process under the general supervision requirements and are required to ensure that the process meets the statutory and regulatory requirements. 

The presence of a neutral facilitator at the resolution meeting may yield more effective and successful meetings. If both parties believe the use of a neutral third party at the resolution meeting will increase the likelihood of reaching agreement, ODR will send a facilitator to assist the parties. It is also important to note that there is no charge to either party for the use of the facilitator for IDEA-related cases.
The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC), housed at Oklahoma State University, provides special education mediators available to serve as facilitators for resolution sessions, with a goal of at least half the resolution sessions being facilitated.
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