
Facilitation is a voluntary process that can be used when parties in an IEP, IFSP or other meeting agree that the presence of a neutral third party would facilitate communication and problem solving. It is most often used when there is a history of contentious interactions between the family and school, the participants anticipate that they will be unable to reach agreement on critical issues, or when a meeting is expected to be particularly complex and controversial. Facilitators often serve as special education mediators in their state and have received additional training beyond that which they received to become mediators. Additionally, many school districts have specially trained staff members to serve in their own schools, districts or regions, or to assist in others, to more effectively facilitate problematic IEP meetings. 

Trisha Bergin-Lytton specializes in offering expertise and professional services to school districts, charter schools, non-profit organizations, advocacy groups and families to address the individualized needs of special education students by providing mediation, facilitation of IEP meetings...
On July 10, 2012 CADRE hosted a webinar: IEP/IFSP Facilitation Techniques for Success: Counter Proposals & Consensus-As-You-Go . The webinar, which followed a very well-received workshop at CADRE's National Symposium, was presented by Trisha Bergin-Lytton. Video of CADRE Webinar: IEP/IFSP...
Patricia McGinnis holds a degree in education from the University of Minnesota and has over twenty years of teaching experience. She has been the Coordinator of the Minnesota Department of Education's Special Education Mediation Service since 2001, assuring access to the federally required mediation...
Fran Fletcher is an Assistant Policy Scientist in the Conflict Resolution Program of the University of Delaware's Institute for Public Administration. She manages Delaware's Special Education Mediation program and assists in the design and delivery of training and provides consultative services for...
Greg Abell is the Principal at Sound Options Group, LLC, which is responsible for the delivery of all special education mediation services for the State of Washington. He also consults nationally in the design and delivery of ADR systems. Prior to entering the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution...
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