1. Are your state complaint investigators state employees or independent contractors? 2. Do you pay complaint investigators an hourly rate, on a per-case basis, a salary, or other compensation method? 3. What are the minimum qualifications for your state

1. Are your state complaint investigators state employees or independent contractors? 2. Do you pay complaint investigators an hourly rate, on a per-case basis, a salary, or other compensation method? 3. What are the minimum qualifications for your state complaint investigators? a. Education background / Special education degree / experience requirements? b. J.D. or attorney in good standing requirement? 4. What are the ongoing training / education requirements for your state complaint investigators? 5.   How many complaint investigators do you have? What is an average (annual?) caseload per investigator? 6. Does your state provide complainants with an opportunity for reconsideration of the SEA decision on the complaint? 7. Does your state exercise its discretion to provide for the filing of a complaint with the public agency and the right to have to have the SEA review the public agency’s decision on the complaint? 34 CFR 300.151(a)(1) a. If so, is that a provision in state statute or regulation, or an informal procedure? b.      And is it required that the complainant first file a complaint with the public agency and then only file with the SEA to have the SEA review the public agency’s investigation of the complaint? 8. How often are attorneys involved in the state complaint process? a. Representing the complainant? b.      Representing the school?
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