We are looking for information as to how other states handle various situations if parties don’t specifically ask for an expedited hearing, or have additional issues.  Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Questions: 1. In your sta

We are looking for information as to how other states handle various situations if parties don’t specifically ask for an expedited hearing, or have additional issues.  Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Questions: 1. In your state, must a party specifically request an expedited hearing? 2. What if a party requests an expedited hearing but doesn’t raise an expedited issue identified under 34 CFR §300.532(a)? 3. What if a party requests an expedited hearing that includes non-expedited issues along with an issue identified under 34 CFR §300.532(a)?  Is an expedited hearing conducted addressing all of the issues, or is the matter bifurcated, with both expedited and non-expedited hearings conducted? 4. What if a party does not request the hearing be expedited but includes one or more issues identified under 34 CFR §300.532(a) that 34 CFR §300.532(c)(2) indicates should be an expedited hearing? Is it assigned as an expedited hearing even if not specifically requested? 5. Does your state, either by regulation or in practice, permit the parties to agree that the matter not be heard pursuant to the expedited timelines/procedures and proceed under the timelines/procedures for non-expedited hearings?
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