Using Data to Improve Dispute Resolution System Performance: A CADRE Webinar

This webinar, presented on May 18, 2011, explored using data from Table 7 and other sources to examine and plan improvements in State dispute resolution systems. The focus of the webinar was on resolution meetings, timelines, and outcomes. The three part presentation included:

  1. Dick Zeller, CADRE Senior Policy Analyst, introduced the call and provided a quick overview of dispute resolution data from Table 7 for Washington State, Illinois, and total national activity (50 states). The striking thing about due process complaint data is that most complaints are resolved by means not reported in Table 7.  The other two presenters discussed their states approaches to understanding these "resolved without a hearing" cases.
  2. Andy Eulass, Due Process Coordinator, Illinois, presented the Illinois data system improvements for tracking resolution process events.  He also shared initial results of this more complete data collection: the proportion of cases resolved for which the state has no information has dropped from about one-third of complaints to about one-sixth. [The Illinois forms available for download below were based in part on the work of Kacey Gregson, Director of Dispute Resolution, Arizona.]
  3. Pamela McPartland, Dispute Resolution Coordinator, Washington State, reviewed their data system forms and their application to tracking dispute resolution timelines and the outcomes of due process complaints.

The materials from the webinar can be downloaded below. A summary of particpant feedback on the session is also available. Those interested in other "drill downs" of the Table 7 data can find ideas about data categories and approaches to analysis in the CADRE Data Drill Tool available at: