Promoting the Working Together Series

All stakeholders State Education Agencies, Parent Centers, Local Education Agencies, educators, family members, practitioners, etc.) can help spread the word about CADRE’s Working Together Online Learning Series:

There are number ways to promote the Series:

  • Post a link to the Series on your website.
  • Display Working Together Series flyers in locations frequently visited by families and educators. 
  • Highlight the Series in your organization’s newsletter.
  • Use your distribution lists to share information on the Series and encourage others to share with their contacts.
  • You can use sample posts/tweets  as stand-alone e-mail messages, a component of your signature block, or spread the word through social media. When sharing through social media, use social media shareable graphics and the hashtag #CADREWorkingTogether.
  • Use other means of communicating with parents, families and colleagues.