Part C SPP/APR Resources

This page contains information and resources pertinent to Part C of IDEA SPP/APR reporting.

This page contains downloadable documents and links to other resources for Part C of IDEA SPP/APR reporting on Dispute Resolution activities.



  • The four Indicator documents posted at the bottom of this page are drawn from analyses of SPPs done by OSEP funded Technical Assistance and Dissemination projects. For access to the complete document, including other indicators, please click


  • The Office of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education maintains a resource page for all IDEA SPP/APR reporting requirements. To access their website, please click


  • For information pertaining to Part B, please click here.



The latest versions of Table 4 instructions are available through the OSEP website by clicking here (MS Word) or here (PDF).

NOTE: The Part C - Error Checking Worksheet is an Excel document that contains macros. In order to use this error checker you must save the file to your computer and then open it in Excel. If your macro security setting in Excel is "high" or "very high", or “disable all macros without notification" (Office 2007) the macros may be disabled upon opening. This will limit the functionality of the error checker. Please adjust the macro security settings to "medium" or “disable all macros with notification.” This should allow complete functionality of the Error Checking Worksheet. If you have any questions, or need assistance with the error checker, please contact us.[2big]