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Parent to Parent Miami - Online Training Center

This video, Parents and Educators Working Toward Mutual Solutions , was developed jointly by the Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers (the Alliance) and CADRE in November 2002. More information on IDEA 2004 . Please find the transcript to the right. Video of Parents and Educators Working Toward Mutual Solutions

This online streaming video "Parents and Educators Working Toward Mutual Solutions" was developed jointly by the Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers (the Alliance) and Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE). The video is available in two formats: Real Video and Microsoft Windows Media. Select the video format and connection speed that best suits you. A transcript Is also provided. (From Author)

Parents' Experiences with the IEP Process - Considerations for Improving Practice

During 2011-2013, staff members from seven Lead Agencies joined CADRE staff, along with representatives from ECTA, WRRC, and ITCA, to convene an Early Intervention dispute resolution workgroup. The group met quarterly by teleconference and web meeting, and focused on identifying and developing dispute resolution training resources, model policies, and forms specific to Part C of IDEA. This page is a repository of shared resources from the group's work together. Use or reproduction of any of the materials on this page is allowed and permission to copy is not required. Please give recognition to...

On September 11, 2013 CADRE hosted a free webinar, Part C Dispute Resolution: Customizable Hearing Officer Training Resources , with CADRE Policy Analyst, Amy Whitehorne. The modules discussed during the webinar are available for download in the paragraph below . Video of Part C Customizable Training Resources11SEP13 About the Webinar: This webinar featured the rollout of four customizable hearing officer training modules developed by CADRE’s Part C dispute resolution workgroup. The workgroup included representatives from six Lead Agencies (CT, MA, CO, MS, UT, and TX), several technical...

The modules discussed during the webinar are available for download in the paragraph below. Video of Part C Customizable Training Resources11SEP13 About the Webinar: This webinar featured the rollout of four customizable hearing officer training modules developed by CADRE’s Part C dispute resolution workgroup. The workgroup included representatives from six Lead Agencies (CT, MA, CO, MS, UT, and TX), several technical assistance providers (ECTA & WRRC) and Sharon Walsh (of Walsh Taylor Consulting & ITCA). The four modules (built on PowerPoint templates) are intended to help Lead Agencies...

The following was presented July 30, 2012 at the IDEA Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Joining CADRE staff Marshall Peter and Amy Whitehorne were Joicey Hurth, Consultant/TA Specialist, National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) and Northeast Regional Resource Center (NERRC), and Linda Goodman, Director, Connecticut Birth to Three System, Department of Developmental Services. Session Summary: States are required to maintain a Part C dispute resolution system capable of administering procedures related to mediations, State complaints, and due process hearings. In...

Una presentación fácil de leer de sugerencias sobre cómo los educadores y proveedores de servicios pueden colaborar eficazmente con los padres.

En este folleto, se ofrecen competencias de comunicación específicas que podrían ser útiles para que los padres desarrollen y mantengan colaboraciones con la escuela de sus hijos. Originalmente, este documento se publicó en mayo de 2004 y se desarrolló junto con el National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (centro nacional de difusión para niños con discapacidades, NICHCY). Si necesita ayuda para acceder a estos documentos, comuníquese con . Díganos qué piensa del documento; haga clic aquí para completar una breve encuesta.

Si Ud tiene un hijo que recibe servicios de educación especial, es más que probable que esté involucrado en la escuela de su hijo y colaborando con sus profesores – esto incluye la planificación, la revisión y evaluación del programa educativo de su hijo. Con el tiempo, Ud aprenderá mucho sobre el proceso de la educación especial y cómo comunicarse y negociar en defensa de su hijo. Mientras su conocimiento, habilidad y confianza van creciendo, existe una serie de destrezas comunicativas específicas que pueden ayudarle a desarrollar y mantener una relación más estrecha con la escuela de su hijo...

Pathfinder - Indicator #8: Changing Perceptions

PAVE - Tips to Help You Advocate for Your Child

PEAK - Dispute Resolution 101 PowerPoint

PEAK - IEP Preparation Packet

PEAK - IEP Webinar Series - Part 1 Slides in PDF

PEAK - Improving IEP Teams: Skills for Resolving Conflict

PEAK - Utilizing Conflict to Build Trust in the IEP Process (two-part webinar)

PEAK - Webinars and Workshops

PEAL - Brief Glossary of Special Education Terms

PEAL - Communication Tips for Building Strong Partnerships

PEAL - Communication Tips for Building Strong Partnerships - Spanish