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PACER - How to Communicate Effectively with Early Childhood Professionals

PACER - IEP Checklist for Parents

PACER - Keeping Good Records Helps Special Education Stay on Track

PACER - Keeping Special Education Records

PACER - Know Your School District: Tips for Parents

PACER - Minnesota Due Process Options

PACER - Parent Keys to Success In the Parent-School Partnership

PACER - Parent Keys to Success In the Parent-School Partnership (Hmong)

PACER - Parent Keys to Success In the Parent-School Partnership (Somali)

PACER - Parent Keys to Success In the Parent-School Partnership (Spanish)

PACER - Parents Can Prepare for Special Education Meetings

PACER - Positive Interactions with Diverse Families

PACER - Resolving Special Education Issues

PACER - Special Education: What Do I Need to Know? - Spanish

PACER - Special Education: What Do Parents Need to Know?

PACER - Special Education: What Do Parents Need to Know?

PACER - Special Education: What Do Parents Need to Know? - Hmong

PACER - Special Education: What Do Parents Need to Know? - Somali

PACER - Special Education: What Do Parents Need to Know? - Spanish

PACER - Use Questions to Find Answers: A guide for parents of children recieving special education services

PACER - Working with Culturally or Linguistically Diverse Families in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education

Este vídeo, "Los Padres y Los Educadores Trabajando Hacia Soluciones Mutuas", fue desarollado en común por La Alianza de la Asistencia Técnica para los Centros del Padre (La Alianza) y El Consorcio Para La Resolución Apropiada Del Conflicto En La Educación Especial (CADRE). Video of Padres y Educadores Que Trabajan Hacia Soluciones Mutuas View this video in English .

Posted November 2016 The summary below features data for school years (July 1-June 30) 2004-05 through 2014-15. For each data element, the number of events reported by the state is also provided as the number of events per 10,000 students enrolled in special education. This "per 10K" rate provides a way to compare the relative frequency across states – a more “apples to apples” comparison. For more information on dispute resolution data or this summary, contact CADRE .

Video of CADRE Webinar - Parent Center Initiatives in Early Dispute Resolution About the Webinar: Parent centers play a critical role in the prevention and resolution of special education conflicts. From stakeholder involvement to collaborating with mediation programs to designing and implementing IEP facilitation services, many centers are at the forefront of this important activity. Several parent center leaders highlight the innovative work of their centers and the impact it has on their states. Presenters: The webinar was moderated by Philip Moses. The panel consisted of national parent...

Parent Guide to Preparing for a Due Process Hearing