Main Library

PA - Mediation Evaluation Summary

PA - Mediation FAQS

PA - Mediation Initial Request Letter

PA - Mediation Request Form

PA - Mediation Rules for Medicaid Waivers

PA - Mediation Rules for Special Education

PA - Mediator Contract Requirements Nov. 2010

PA - Mock Due Process Video

PA - No Contact After Mediation Request Letter

PA - Notice of Resolution Meeting to be held

PA - ODR Annual Report 2011-12

PA - ODR Focus Group Meeting Minutes (6/30/04)

PA - ODR Information card

PA - ODR Information Poster

PA - ODR Overview PowerPoint November 2008

PA - ODR Service Outcome Card

PA - ODR Service Outcome Card - Spanish

PA - Office for Dispute Resolution Website

PA - Outreach Letter to Latino Organizations

PA - Parent Confirmation Letter of Mediation Scheduled

PA - Parent Rights Agreement

PA - Parents Guide to Mediation

PA - Parents' Rights: Understanding the Procedural Safeguards Notice

PA - Part C IFSP Request Form