Main Library

KS - Spanish Parents Rights Booklet

KY - Hearing Officer Contract 2020

LA - Early Steps Manual - Ch.2 Parents' Rights, Opportunities, and Responsibilities

LA - IEP Facilitation-Request Form

LA - Interacting with Families: Procedural Safeguards (Early Steps PPT)

LA - Mediation Report

Acerca del seminario web: Las investigaciones ofrecen evidencia sólida de que las organizaciones en las que los empleados tienen un alto nivel de confianza, tienen muchas más probabilidades de hacer y mantener el tipo de cambios que los ayudarán a alcanzar sus objetivos y resultados que las organizaciones en las que el personal tiene poca o nada de confianza. En esta sesión, se describieron investigaciones empíricas y conceptuales relacionadas con los tipos de confianza. Exploramos los distintos tipos de confianza y su relación con la vida social y organizativa. Además, establecimos conexiones...

LA PTI - A Good IDEA for Louisana: A Guide for Parents and Students About Special Education Services

LA PTI - A Good IDEA for Louisana: A Guide for Parents and Students About Special Education Services - Spanish

LAUSD - Complaint Response Unit Brochure

LAUSD - Complaint Response Unit Brochure - Spanish

LAUSD - Informal Dispute Resolution Brochure

LAUSD - Mediation Request From

LAUSD - Request for Due Process Form & Directions

LAUSD - Request for Informal Dispute Resolution

LAUSD - Resource Guide for School Site Administrators

LAUSD - System Flow Chart

Video of Let’s Work Together! Building Local Capacity with CADRE’s Online Learning Resources Join CADRE in exploring our Working Together Online Learning Series and companion Facilitator Guide ! This Series of five interactive courses was developed to provide families and educators with a number of strategies for working together and through conflict. Anyone supporting children or youth with disabilities may benefit from this series, however the setting in which collaborative problem solving takes place is within the school or IEP meeting. During this webinar, CADRE provided some possible...

Flash video: Listening (This video is 07:57.) (requires Adobe Flash player , a free download). Transcript of flash video in Adobe PDF Format. Please note that this presentation will not start until it has completely loaded onto your computer. This could take a minute or more, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Captions: The video is set to play with captions enabled. Should you wish to view it without captions, click on the "CC" button at the bottom of the Flash player. If you cannot see the Flash player controls or the viewable area seems clipped, please make sure your screen...

MA - Advancement/Postponement Request Form

MA - Early Intervention Dispute Resolution

MA - Reference Manual: A Resource for Parents and School Representatives Who Appear Before the BSEA