Main Library

IL - State Sponsored IEP Facilitation: Preventing Conflict

IL - State-sponsored IEP Facilitation - Webpage

IL - Warning Resolution Letter to LEAs

IL - Webinar - How IEP Facilitation Can Guide the Process

IL - WSC Exit Survey

A resource packet designed to guide implementation of the mediation regulations under IDEA ‘97. Included are a self-assessment and checklist for state departments of education, a memo from OSEP Director Kenneth Warlick, and a question and answer document on the mediation requirements under Part B of the IDEA. This document was published in January 2001.

IN - Agreement to Mediate

IN - Effective CASE Conference Meetings (Part 1 Video)

IN - Effective CASE Conference Meetings (Part 2 Video)

IN - Effective CASE Conference Processes - Agenda

IN - Effective CASE Conference Processes - Ground Rules

IN - Effective CASE Conference Processes - Introduction & Roles

IN - Effective CASE Conference Processes - Room Arrangement

IN - FIEP Brochure

IN - FIEP Flyer

IN - FIEPRequestForm.pdf

IN - Hearing Officer Manual

IN - Independent Hearing Officer Application

IN - Mediation Agreement

IN - Request for Facilitated IEP Services

IN - Special Education Mediation Program Application

This publication was developed to better understand issues related to when parents or caregivers are having difficulty working together, especially during IEP team meetings. The document includes both preventative and responsive strategies and approaches from a variety of sources, including research on the effects of parenting a child with a disability on parent and family relationships, literature on conflict resolution practices, and data collected through surveys and interviews. Children’s best interests are served when all members of the IEP team cooperate to design the IEP. Properly...

Include NYC - IEP Facilitation Flyer for Web

INCLUDEnyc - Special Education Mediation Guidelines and Procedures