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MN - Questions and Answers about Facilitated Meetings

MN - Request for Facilitated IEP/IIIP/IFSP Meeting

MN - Request for Mediation

MN - Request for Mediation During Hearing Process

MN - Request for Proposals Evaluation Scoresheet

MO - 2014-15 Home Works! Executive Summary

MO - 2019-20 Annual Report

MO - Child Complaint: A Checklist of What to Expect

MO - Complaint Procedures - Infants and Toddlers

MO - Due Process: A Checklist of What to Expect from the Department

MO - First Steps Child Complaint - Model Form

MO - Home Works 2018-19 Evaluation Report

MO - Home Works! 2012 Evaluation Report

MO - Implementation Findings from the Home Works! Teacher Home Visit Program 2016-17

MO - Mediation Request Form (Part C)

MO - Part C Due Process Hearing Request Notice Form

MO - Request to Resolve Dispute Through Mediation

MO - RFP Hearing Officer

MO - Special Education - Mediation in Missouri

Video of Moving Beyond Disputes: Mobilizing and Orchestrating a “Village” When Extensive Change is Required About the Webinar: Disputes often occur because professionals and families have radically different visions of what services and supports are necessary to attain IDEA’s four results of equality of opportunity, independent living, full participation, and economic self-sufficiency. When dispute resolution results in the need to make extensive change in services and supports—creation, implementation, evaluation—often parties are overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task and feel immobilized...

On August 14, 2013 CADRE hosted a free webinar with Karen Mapp, Director, Education Policy and Management Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Moving Forward: Building Effective Family-School Partnerships . Video of CADRE Webinar:Moving Forward-Building Family School Partnerships8.14.13 About the Webinar: This webinar provided an overview of what we now know about policies and practices needed to cultivate and sustain effective family-school partnerships that support student achievement and school improvement. About the Presenter: Karen L. Mapp, EdD, is a Senior Lecturer on Education...

About the Webinar: IDEA provisions for parent participation envisioned meaningful parent-school collaboration that could ultimately lead to positive student outcomes. Just like any relationship, this partnership requires hard work and commitment. Recent research has identified a number of effective, cost-efficient, and meaningful strategies that can promote meaningful parent-school partnerships through both conflict prevention and appropriate dispute resolution practices. Unfortunately, educators and parents are not always aware of how to implement such strategies. This webinar will explore...

MPACT - Child Complaint Timelines

MPACT - Consensus

MPACT - Due Process Timelines