Main Library

PA - Call Resolution Process

PA - Call Resolution Process Notification email to district (example)

PA - CIR for Reconsideration - December 2013

PA - CIR Letter Regular Complaint

PA - Co-Mediator Letter

PA - Communication Tips for Building Strong Partnerships

PA - Complaint Registry Form

PA - Complaint Template: Can't Reach Complainant

PA - Complaint Template: Early Resolution Letter (May 2011)

PA - Complaint Template: Withdrawal Letter

PA - Complaints Template 1: Additional info complaint letter

PA - Complaints Template 2: Letter Corrective Action Reminder

PA - Complaints Template 3: Closure Letter

PA - ConsultLine Brochure

PA - ConsultLine Database Layout Screen

PA - ConsultLine Issue List

PA - ConsultLine Letter to Constituents which Accompanies Requested Materials

PA - ConsultLine Policy - Procedures for the Termination of a Call

PA - ConsultLine Referred to List

PA - ConsultLine Response Card

PA - ConsultLine Standard Message for Email Response

PA - ConsultLine-video.pdf

PA - Core Concepts Card

PA - Correspondence as a Result of Focus Group Meeting