Main Library

IA - Mediation Evaluation Form Virtual

IA - Mediator's Guide to Special Education Preappeal Conferences June 2010

IA - Meeting Notes for Stakeholder Training

IA - Model Form to Assist Parent/Guardian in Filing a Complaint

IA - Model Form to Assist Parents/Guardians in Requesting a Mediation Conference

IA - Model form to assist parents/guardians to file a DP complaint (hearing)

IA - Notifying AEA/LEA of pending complaint and requirements for the Resolution Meeting

IA - Overview of Training Programs

IA - Parental Rights Summary

IA - Position and Training Paper

IA - Post Mediation Next Steps

IA - Preappeal Agreement Follow-up Survey to LEA

IA - Preappeal Letter to Special Education Director

IA - Preappeal or mediation evaluation form

IA - Preappeal procedures

IA - Preparing for Mediation

IA - Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents

IA - Procedures for BCFCS Staff - parent AEA or LEA Phone Calls or Conversations

IA - Procedures for BCFCS Staff - parent AEA or LEA Phone Calls or Conversations

IA - Procedures For Special Education Complaints

IA - PTI Support Letter

IA - Q & A Resolution Meeting Tips

IA - Q and A: AEA Resolution Facilitator System

IA - Recommendation Notes for Improvement

IA - Request for Proposals: State Special Education Mediators