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On December 18, 2013 and January 29, 2014, CADRE hosted a two-part webinar with Lorig Charkoudian, Ph.D. and Erricka Bridgeford of Community Mediation Maryland Inclusive Listening: Building Understanding, Supporting Collaboration . After the presentation of these two parts, participants asked for special education-specifc scenarios. These scenarios were recorded on August 20, 2014 as Part Three of this series. Part One: Part Two: Part Three: About the Webinar: These webinars will introduce participants to the concepts and strategies of Inclusive Listening, a system for listening and reflecting...

Video de Seminario web de CADRE - Iniciativas de los centros para padres para la resolución temprana de disputas (Parent Center Initiatives in Early Dispute Resolution) Acerca del seminario web: Los centros para padres juegan un papel fundamental en la prevención y la resolución de conflictos de educación especial. Desde la participación de las partes interesadas hasta la colaboración con los programas de mediación, y el diseño y la implementación de los servicios de facilitación del IEP, muchos centros están a la vanguardia de esta importante actividad. Varios líderes de centros para padres...

This article describes a literature search process employed to identify research in ADR and special education, organizes some initial search results, briefly summarizes them, and raises important questions for the purpose of generating a future research agenda. Tell us what you think of the document, please click here to take a short survey.

INSOURCE - Case Conference Reminders for Parents

INSOURCE - Navigating the Course: Finding Your Way Through Indiana's Special Education Rules, A companion guide to: ARTICLE 7 (Sep.09)

INSOURCE - Online Learning General Training Resources

INSOURCE - Parent Handbook

INSOURCE - Preparing for Your Student's Special Education Case Conference

Video of Webinar: Introducing the Part C Dispute Resolution Family Guides About the Webinar: This webinar provides parent centers and families with ideas on how to use these new, family-friendly guides on mediation, due process hearings, and written State complaints designed with the Part C families in mind. This webinar also describes the collaborative process that CADRE used to develop the guides. The new family-friendly guides on special education dispute resolution are now available for download from the CADRE website, in addition to the new Quick Guide to Special Education Dispute...

There are a number of reasons for making mediation more accessible and responsive to families from culturally, economically and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This document is intended to provide educators with guidance that may help them understand why some families may not participate in mediation, and strategies for increasing the participation of families from diverse backgrounds. Most importantly, Keys to Access offers practical recommendations that school personnel, early intervention service providers, mediation providers, and families can use to develop the knowledge, positive...

KS - 2011 Due Process Hearing Status Report

KS - Complaint Rec'd Notification Letter

KS - Due Process Resolution Session Tracking Form

KS - Expedited Resolution Session Tracking Form

KS - Infant & Toddler Services - Child & Family Rights Booklet

KS - Mediation Confidentiality Pledge (Pg3)

KS - Notice of Request for Part C Due Process Hearing

KS - Part C Infant-Toddler Services Formal Complaint Request Form

KS - Part C Infant-Toddler Services Request for Mediation

KS - Procedure Manual - Procedural Safeguards