Main Library

SPAN - Due Process Hearing Flowchart

SPAN - IEP and IFSP Facilitation Booklet

SPAN - Info on Administrative (State/Written) Complaints

SPAN - Info on Due Process Hearings

SPAN - Info on Mediation

SPAN - Mediation Flowchart

SPAN - NJ EI (Part C) Process Overview Sheet

SPAN - NJ EI (Part C) Process Overview Sheet - Spanish

SPAN - Policy re: Technical Assistance and In-Person Support and Advocacy

SPAN - Questions and Answers On Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures For Parents and Children With Disabilities

SPAN - Role of Parent Centers in Helping Prepare for Resolution Session

SPAN - The Resolution Session Under IDEA 2001: A Guide for Parents

SPAN- Special Education Parent Advisory Groups Guide

Special Education Mediation: A Guide for Parents - Hmong

Special Education Mediation: A Guide for Parents - Spanish

This document was completed in February 2002. More information on IDEA 2004. Kev xab thooj cov lus tsis sib haum hauv kev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb yog ib phau ntawv rau cov niam txiv uas yog Qhov chaw koom txhawb tswv yim rau cov koom haum txhawb nqa niam txiv thiab qhov chaw txhim kho kom muaj kev sib kho yooj yim hauv kev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb tau tsim los. Phau ntawv no tau tsim los raws li tau cog lus nrog qhov chaw txhawb kev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb ntawm ceem fwv fab kev kawm ntawv, CFDA H326D98002.



CADRE reviews and analyzes the IDEA dispute resolution data that state educational agencies annually report to OSEP. This information is then compiled to create summaries that provide an historical look at dispute resolution data, and assist with the identification of trends and changes in the use of dispute resolution processes over time. The summaries below feature data for school years (July 1-June 30) 2010-11 through 2020-21. To request a report that is more compatible with screen readers (such as JAWS), please click here . States are encouraged to submit notes or explanations regarding...

This resource contains a listing of offices and organizations that offer expertise in mediation and other forms of alternate dispute resolution outside the arena of special education. The directory catalogs a broad range of entities, including statewide offices, court-based services, academic centers, membership associations and not-for-profit organizations. For a listing of academic, degree granting programs, please contact our office via email:

The brief publication is provided to assist states in making decisions about when to extend timelines for state complaints. This document is not intended to provide official guidance, but is a tool to prompt further state discussion.

On October 11th, 2011 Kerry Smith (PA), Dixie Trinen (PA), Eric Neessen (IA), and Marshall Peter (CADRE) talked about the investments that two of CADRE’s “Exemplar States,” Iowa and Pennsylvania, are making in early special education dispute prevention and resolution. A brief overview of CADRE’s Exemplar Initiative and related resources was also discussed. The PowerPoint of the presentation is downloadable below.

State of Oregon Advisory Opinion-Questions and Answers

STEP - Lunchtime Leaders Webinar: "Preparing and Engaging Youth" Building Confidence to Advocate for Yourself

This brochure offers specific communication skills that may be helpful to parents as they develop and maintain partnerships with their child's school.