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CO - A Family Guidebook, Guide I: Referral and Eligibility for Colorado EI Services

CO - A Family Guidebook, Guide I: Referral and Eligibility for Colorado EI Services (Spanish)

CO - A Family Overview: Colorado's EI Intervention System at a Glance

CO - Due Process and State Complaint Decisions

CO - EI Family Rights Brochure Spanish

CO - Guidelines for a Tele-facilitated Special Education Meeting

CO - Impartial Hearing Officer Evaluation

CO - Individual Case Mediaiton Log

CO - Mediation Evaluation

CO - Mediation Tracking Report

CO - Parent & Child Rights - Procedural Safeguards Notice

CO - Spanish - A Family Overview: Colorado's EI Intervention System at a Glance

CO - State Level Complaint Procedures

CO - The Use of Facilitative Skills in the IEP Process PowerPoint

CO - Voluntary Agreement to Mediate

Video of Community Led Systems Change in a Public School District through Parent Participatory Evaluation Participatory Evaluation empowers those who are closest to the matter to take the lead in the evaluation. Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) launched the Parent Participatory Evaluation (PPE) program in the fall of 2018. By partnering with parents from five culturally-specific groups (African American, American Indian, Hmong, LatinX, and Somali), MPS engages parents to identify opportunities for improvement and partner on innovative solutions that best reflect the priorities of our community...

Acerca del seminario web: Este seminario web se centró en los aspectos fundamentales de crear relaciones eficaces y de apoyo entre las familias y los profesionales. El grupo de presentadores, que representa las perspectivas de las familias, los profesionales y la asistencia técnica, compartió algunas de las piezas fundamentales de las relaciones, las prácticas centradas en la familia y ejemplos de una colaboración ejemplar entre la familia y los profesionales. Video de “Cómo colaborar bien: Prácticas centradas en la familia para ayudar a que los profesionales y las familias trabajen juntos”...

On January 9, 2013, CADRE hosted a free webinar with guest presenter Tricia Jones, Conflict Coaching: Its Value in Special Education Dispute Resolution . Video of CADRE Webinar - Conflict Coaching: Special Ed Dispute Resolution, Tricia Jones 1.9.13 About the Webinar : Conflict coaching is a one-on-one process that helps someone in conflict gain a better understanding of the conflict and how s/he may manage conflict constructively. Increasingly used in workplace and community conflicts, this session explored how it may help parents, educators and special education dispute resolution...

Historically, mediation has not been an effective venue for dispute resolution for Deaf people because of linguistic inaccessibility and cultural non-recognition. Like other linguistic minority groups who experience and resolve conflict in a manner consistent with their social and communicative norms Deaf people have some unique perspectives. The following article illuminates some of these perspectives and explains how mediators can address these differences when working with Deaf people, in order to make mediation a more linguistically and culturally respectful and responsive endeavor. A...

This document was updated in 2019. This pamphlet describes, from an administrators perspective, the benefits of participating in mediation as a means to solve special education disputes between parents and educators. It dispels common concerns and also provides helpful tips to those considering mediation as a dispute resolution option. This document was originally published in September 2001, and was updated in 2019. Interested in IEP Facilitation? Check out CADRE's Considering IEP Facilitation: A School Administrator's Perspective .

About the Webinar : Recently the presenters have heard from States that the frequency of phone calls, emails and written complaints coming from “frequent filers” has significantly increased. Frequent filers are individuals who file multiple complaints (informal and formal), often on overlapping issues and with increasing frustration evidenced in each subsequent filing. They may be extremely difficult to talk to and seem unwilling or unable to problem-solve around their concern. However, if and when you are able to get past the anger and begin to unpack the substance of the concern, there are...