Main Library

FL - Part C Consent Memo for Children State Custody

FL - Part C Mediation Agreement

FL - Part C Mediation Confidentiality Agreement

FL - Part C Personnel Development & Standards Section - Policy Handbook

FL - Part C Process Comparison Chart

FL - Part C Request for Mediation

FL - Part C Sample Written Decision

FL - Request for ESE Due Process Form

FL - Resolution Session Report

FL - Sharing the Commitment - ESE Parent Advisory

FL - Sharing the Commitment - ESE Parent Advisory (Spanish)

FL - Sharing the Commitment to Excellence Flow Chart

FL - State-Facilitated Individual Education Plan (SFIEP) Meetings Fact Sheet

FL - STC Brochure in English-2013

FL - Website: Sharing the Commitment to Excellence

FND - Connecting Across All Differences

FND - It's A Better IDEIA Part C

FND - Parent-Teacher Conferences

FND - Rights and Responsibilities

FND - Survival Skill Kit: For Every Conflict, There Is A Solution

FND - Your Guide To An IEP That Works

This document was published in July 2002. More information on IDEA 2004 .

Esta publicación ha sido desarrollada por CADRE (Consorcio para la Resolución Apropiada de Disputas en la Educación Especial) con el fin de responder a la gran cantidad de preguntas que muchos padres, maestros, y administradores, entre otras personas tienen acerca de la mediación.

Between Fall 2008 and Summer 2010, CADRE analyzed state special education dispute resolution systems and their components, with the objective of identifying particularly effective systems and creating a resource that other states could draw on when considering improvement activities. Four states with exemplary systems and practices were identified (IA, OK, PA and WI), profiles were developed and a database of resources from these state systems was created. Analysis of common features across these systems identified a number of elements as being fundamental to their success. These features are...