Main Library

IA - Agreement to Mediate Form

IA - Application form and job description for mediators

IA - Checklist for AEA Resolution Facilitator Process

IA - Checklist for legally binding mediation agreement

IA - Checklist for Legally Binding Resolution Agreement

IA - Communication Plan Dispute Resolution

IA - Dispute Resolution Process Comparison

IA - Due Process Hearings Data PowerPoint

IA - Early Access Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents

IA - Early Access Procedures Manual - Sections 1-2

IA - Early Access Procedures Manual - Sections 3-6

IA - Early Access Procedures Manual - Sections 7-9

IA - Email to AEA Special Education Director when a preappeal conference is filed

IA - Form letter to LEA Secretary notifying district of a DP Complaint filing

IA - Group Discussion Worksheet

IA - Historical Background of Training provided by the Iowa Peace Institute

IA - Iowa Redaction Protocol 2020

IA - Job Description Mediation Shepherd

IA - Job Description Resolution Facilitator

IA - Legally binding mediation agreement form

IA - Legally Binding Resolution Meeting Agreement Form

IA - Letter re: Sources of legal assistance specific to a DP request

IA - Letter to all participants in a preappeal conference

IA - Mandated Signatures for Legally Binding Written Agreement