Main Library

UPC - IEP Tips for Parents

UPC - Memo of Agreement Between UPC and School District for Parent Consultant

UPC - Parents as Partners in the IEP Process - Parent Handbook

UPC - Video - Parents as Partners in the IEP Process: Understanding Your Parents' Rights and Responsibilities (Module 3)

UPC - What Is Self-Determination?

UPC Video - Cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos a desarrollar su auto determinación

Video of Cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos a desarrollar su auto determinación ¿Desea ayudar a su hijo(a) con discapacidad a tener una vida productiva y una vida de inclusión en su comunidad? Su hijo(a) necesitará desarrollar habilidades de auto determinación, tales como establecer metas, cómo tomar decisiones, y habilidades de auto abogacía. Este video sobre la auto determinación servirá de fundamento para enseñarles estas habilidades.

UPC Video - Parents Teaching Self-Advocacy Skills: Helping Your Child Toward Self-Determination

Video of Parents Teaching Self-Advocacy Skills: Helping Your Child Toward Self-Determination Do you want to help your child with a disability live an included and productive life? Your son or daughter needs self-determination skills such as making choices, setting goals, and self-advocacy. The Self-Determination video will provide you with a foundation of how to teach these skills to your son or daughter.

UPC- Student Led IEPs

This webinar, presented on May 18, 2011, explored using data from Table 7 and other sources to examine and plan improvements in State dispute resolution systems. The focus of the webinar was on resolution meetings, timelines, and outcomes. The three part presentation included: Dick Zeller, CADRE Senior Policy Analyst, introduced the call and provided a quick overview of dispute resolution data from Table 7 for Washington State, Illinois, and total national activity (50 states). The striking thing about due process complaint data is that most complaints are resolved by means not reported in...

This resource guide presents an overview of mediation evaluation with a specific focus on how to make use of participant questionnaires in evaluating mediation programs. A CADRE Publication. This document was published in December 2002 and updated in August 2007.

Video of Using Trauma Sensitive Strategies 6 0 About the Webinar: There is a growing awareness that trauma is pervasive and that the impact of trauma is often deep and life-shaping. Whether or not it is fully recognized, educators work with survivors of trauma, including students, families and colleagues. This session will increase understanding of trauma and its impact into adulthood, as well as how a more trauma-informed approach will enhance work with families. Participants will be introduced to the essential elements of a trauma sensitive school and specific strategies for improving family...

UT - Dispute Resolution Manual

UT - District Parent Consultants (2013)

UT - DR System Flow Chart

UT - FAQ About Special Education Due Process Complaints

UT - FAQ About Special Education Formal IDEA State Complaints

UT - FAQ About Special Education Mediation

UT - Interagency Coordinating Council (Part C)

UT - Memo of Agreement for Parent Consultant

UT - Parent Request for Mediation

UT - Parents' Rights, Responsibilities, and Resources in EI

UT - Problem Solving Facilitation Process Intake Form