Main Library

WI - Complaint letter to district announcing findings/decisions re: non-compliance

WI - Complaint letter to filing party when not a parent (notice of need for parental consent)

WI - Complaint letter to parent requesting release of educational records where complainant is not the parent

WI - Complaint notice (acknowledgement) to district & parents

WI - Complaint Processing Worksheet Log

WI - Complaint report release letter from DPI to District (parent to share complaint report)

WI - Complaint with mediation agreed to by parent and district notice to district & parents

WI - Contract with Division of Hearings and Appeals

WI - Corrective Action Plan (CAP) approval letter to district

WI - Correspondence for IEP Facilitation

WI - Differences between Mediation and IEP Facilitation Power Point

WI - Dispute Resolution Options Audio Workshops

WI - Dispute Resolution Options Power Point

WI - Due Process internal memo re: payment recovery from district to cover costs of hearing

WI - Due Process notice letter DPI to district when District files (outlines details)

WI - Due Process notice letter DPI to district when Parent files (outlines details of filing)

WI - Early Conflict Resolution Power Point

WI - Effective Participation in the Sped Mediation Process (Manual)

WI - Equity Decsion and Policy Tool (2019)

WI - Field Descriptions for Due Process Hearings Database

WI - Form letter for Stakeholder Council updating stakeholders on recent activities

WI - Hmong - Due Process Hearing Request Form

WI - Hmong - IDEA Complaint Form

WI - IDEA Complaint Form

WI - IDEA Complaint Procedures