Using Interactive Multimedia to Teach Parent Advocacy Skills: An Exploratory Study

Date Published:
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Glang, Ann; McLaughlin, Karen; Schroeder, Susan
Page Numbers

This article explores the effectiveness of a CD-ROM-based training program for parents to learn advocacy skills. The test group of participants reported improvement in their skills application, knowledge, and attitudes related to advocacy in parent-teacher communication.


"The CD-ROM–based program was developed to train a core skill area for parent advocacy and effective communication. The content consists of key communication

skills shown to improve parent-professional relationships, and is presented in 4 sections: (a) Prepare(preparing for a meeting), (b) Listen (active listening with professionals), (c) Advocate (specifying a request), and (d) Negotiate (working toward a solution when parent and professional disagree). The program uses text and video to present information about each key skill. For each behavioral skill, the program provides rationale via text and testimonials by a range of parent models and shows a parent model demonstrating effective and ineffective use of the skill." (p.200)