Title 1 schools parent liaisons' reports regarding their roles and associated responsibilities to facilitate parent engagement to support children's academic achievement

Date Published:
University of Hartford, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing
Tacchi, B.M.

[Dissertation Abstract]

     Parent Liaisons can play an integral role in working to realize a vision for a strategic, comprehensive, and continuous system of family, school, and community partnerships that demonstrably contribute to children's development and school success. Parent involvement continues to receive an increasing amount of attention in federal and state legislatively mandated requirements for school districts. This study examined one formal strategy, district employment of Parent Liaisons, used in Title 1 schools, to engage more parents in their children's learning. A qualitative and exploratory study, twelve Parent Liaisons in an urban district were interviewed and data was analyzed from interview transcripts. Four areas of responsibilities of Parent Liaisons, as defined by the conceptual framework of Mapp (2008), studied were: a) direct services to targeted families determined at risk, (b) support for teacher outreach to families, (c) support for school improvement teams, and (d) collecting data for use in roles.


     Key findings demonstrated that this position is dynamic in a changing environment and focused on their interactions with a diversity of families and how Parent Liaisons perceived families' as well as their own fit within the school's organizational structure. Additionally, strategies of the Parent Liaisons did not identify the best parent communication strategies in light of technological advances. Findings included multiple strategies used to meet families' immediate needs, acting as an agent for teachers in outreach to families, a desire for a leadership role in school partnerships, and a marginal role in activities to specifically increase student academic achievement. Parent Liaisons did not see a direct link with the data gathered to roles played in the schools and documented increases in students' academic achievements. Organizational barriers identified included negative perceptions of school climate by families, availability and accessibility of space for parent use, and a job description with tasks that overlap, loose reporting and supervisory structure, and ill defined overall role in the school and district. This study further supports Sanders' (2008) finding of the importance of district leadership to ensure that Parent Liaisons are prepared to carry out their essential work and to document their influence in family engagement program development.


ISBN: 9781303086854  

Dissertation/thesis number: 3561524

ProQuest document ID: 1369847907