How the IDEA and the Fostering Connections Act Can Work Together to Ensure School Stability and Seamless Transitions for Children with Disabilities in the Child Welfare System

Date Published:
Foster Care & Education Issue Brief
ABA Center on Children and the Law

     This brief explains how two federal laws--IDEA and the Fostering Connections Act--can help advocates "ensure school stability and smooth transitions" for children with disabilities in foster care. Presented in a Q&A format, the brief addresses fundamental issues. It also includes three case studies for illustration purposes.



     "Clearly, children with disabilities that affect their learning face significant challenges in the school setting. The IDEA represents a significant federal commitment to help states assist these children to achieve at high levels and to prepare youth for higher education, employment, and successful integration into their communities. These challenges increase geometrically when the children have experienced abuse or neglect, are in the care or custody of the child welfare system, or experience placement instability. The good news is that advocates for these children have many legal tools that can help to eliminate these challenges and barriers – but only if those advocates inform themselves about these legal requirements and advocate effectively and forcefully for the children in their care."