Examining parents' involvement in and perceptions of special education services: An interview with families in a parent support group.

Date Published:
Focus on Autism & Other Developmental Disabilities
Spann, S. J., Kohler, F. W., & Soenksen, D.
Page Numbers

The purpose of this investigation was to examine families' involvement in and perceptions of children's special education services. A telephone survey was conducted with 45 families of children with autism who were part of a parent support group. The survey consisted of a total of 15 questions that pertained to the following areas: (a) the child's educational placement and type of special education services received, (b) the frequency and nature of parents' communication with school personnel, (c) parents' knowledge about and involvement in their child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, and (d) parents' priorities for their child and overall satisfaction with school services. Results indicated that the majority of children spent part of their day in the general education classroom and received 1 to 2 special education services. (Abstract from author)